Sunday, November 11, 2007

Over the years a few enterprising individuals figured out ways to get Skylines past the unwinking eye of the government and into American garages. But for most, the Skyline GT-R was an exotic temptation, like Jessica Simpson wriggling around in something slinky. Delicious, and exactly as accessible to everyday guys as the dark side of the moon, making the desire for possession all the more intense.

Well, the waiting is over, or will be come June. And Yankee go-faster junkies who have been salivating over this fabled speed merchant will finally be able to find out if the reality measures up to their fantasies, simply by signing a contract at a friendly Nissan dealer.

And what will they get? Here’s what we know. Uh-oh, check that. Make it: Here’s what we can tell you. See, we’ve already driven a preproduction car, on condition of silence until next month regarding our driving impressions. But the vow of silence regarding mechanical particulars expires now.

Basics. The foundation for the new GT-R will be a chassis dedicated to this application—no commonality, according to Nissan, with the corporate FM architecture, the structure that made a grand entrance on the revived Z car in 2002.


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